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​Hachinohe Kojyo (Kojo) Daigaku  - HKD -
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The Hachinohe Kojyo Daigaku (HKD), meaning the Hachinohe Factory University, was founded in 2013 as an art project to reshape impressions held about the numerous factories that Hachinohe is home to from a new and multifaceted point of view. The factories of Hachinohe are very much economic pillars of support for the community; they are facilities that have fostered its growth and development. But, in our opinion, they are also worthy of praise outside of their economic utility for the community. From the start of this project to this very day, the HKD has striven to expose the public to the beauty that can be found in these factories, as they are facilities to be celebrated for their cultural, scenic, aesthetic, and creative worth in their own right. And it is this worth and beauty that we strive to express through art by connecting with and being run by the very people, industries, artists, and local government of our city. 


The shining lights of the factory in the dark night, a history that has walked hand-in-hand with the port of our city, Life, Development, Industry: The Factories of Hachinohe 


Discover through art the power and beauty exemplified in the very factories passed by unnoticed in our daily lives.


Hachinohe is an Industrial City; Hachinohe is a City of Factories 


The industrial creation and production brought forth by our city’s factories is the pride and strength of Hachinohe.  

Just like an actual university, HKD utilizes a curriculum, and it is one composed of three main programs: 


Learn: Lectures & Workshops  

HKD invites a variety of artists and professionals from all sorts of different industries to come and talk about factories as they work to reshape the very ideas we have about factories from a cultural point of view. 


See: Field Trips 

After listening and learning about factories from the lecturers, we invite student to attend field trips to the factories lectured about and experience first-hand their inner workings. 


Create: After-School Clubs

Working with the factories themselves, the HKD and its students design, set up, and hold various art projects as an accumulation of their learning at HKD. 



Hachinohe is home to a variety of factories, some of which have decade long histories, while others have sprung up in the past few years to meet the demands of new industries. But the one thing that has remained constant over the years is that the factories have remained constant leaders in the development of Hachinohe City, and key factors to its achievement as a premier industrial city. 

This year marks the 5th Anniversary of the foundation of HKD, and to celebrate this occasion we have invited 3 companies that represent the importance of the factories in our community’s past, present, and future, as those invited include the Hachinohe Cement Factory ( formally the Hinode / Iwaki Cement Factory) a local factory from the area that will be celebrating its 100th year of operation next year, the “ULVAC Tohoku” which has been in business for 30 years this year, and the “Hachinohe Biomass Power Generator” which will begin operations next spring. 


Furthermore, we have invited the artist Sacco, who is well known amongst factory enthusiast for her paintings of factories, to come and talk about his efforts in creating the Fuji Industrial Night Scene Club, and to introduce his book entitled “Factory Book” which the he created under collaboration with the Hachinohe Book Center. 


The After-School Club offered by HKD this year will be working with the hacchi portal museum’s annual craft fair to create original factory themed goods, and to plan an exhibit to display factory themed art pieces. 


Join the HKD in finding a fresh new perspective of the factories of Hachinohe, one in which an appreciation of these magnificent establishments will permeate your daily life. 

The HKD Curriculum: Lectures & Field Trips   - 2017 -


​Contents, Lecture


August 23, Wed,

19: 00 - 21: 00​

  • Orientation

  • Lecture: Get to Know the Factory Vol 1: “Biomass Power Generator: The Energy of the Future” 
    Lecturer = Hachinohe Biomass Power Generator


September 8 Fri,

19: 00 - 21: 00

  • Lecture: Learning from Other Cities: “Capturing the View of Factories at Night”
    Lecturer = Takahide Washimi (Fuji Factory Night View Club)

  • Workshop: The Hachinohe Book Center: “Enjoying Books about Factories”


September 20 Wed,

19: 00 - 21: 00

  • Lecture & Workshop: Factories & Art:  "The Paintings of Sacco: Factories" 
    Lecturer & Workshop Director = Sacco (Artist)


October 4, Wed,

19: 00 - 21: 00

  • Lecture: Get to Know the Factory Vol 2:  “The Lime Industry in Japan & Hachinohe”
    Lecturers = Masaaki Okada (Professor, Kinki University), Hachinohe Cement 


October 18, Wed,

19: 00 - 21: 00

  • Lecture: Get to Know the Factory Vol 3: “Backbone of the Japanese Industry: The Vacuum (Chamber?)”
    Lecturer = ULVAC Tohoku

​Field Work

​September - October

  • Factory tour.

After-School Clubs & their Yearly Events   - 2017 -

The Arts & Crafts Club

The Craft Fair in Hacchi Portal Museum = November 17 (Fri) – 19 (Sun) 2017


We will be exhibiting handmade, factory-themed goods during the Craft Fair in Hacchi Portal Museum! We invite you to come and make original handmade items, or to help with the set-up and management the craft fair of shops.

The Photography Club

Join the photography club members as we take and select exceptional photos of factories for our upcoming photo exhibit (January, 2018. )

We aim to take rich, moving photos where you can feel the textures, colors, and size of the factories of Hachinohe. 

The HKD Art Exhibit: - Hachinohe Kojyo Art - "Fascinated with Factories"

January 6 (Sat) - 14 (Sun) of 2018, Hachinohe Portarl Museum "Hacchii"


The HKD Art Exhibit -  Hachinohe Kojyo Art “Fascinated with Factories” - will exhibit some amazing factory themed art work and interesting factory models, which are guaranteed to change your perception of factories as industrial centers to that of works of art.  

​Lecturer & Factories Profile

Members of Hachinohe Kojyo Daigaku 


​Event (Exhibition)

HKD Art Exhibit:

Hachinohe Factory Art  "Fascinated with Factories"

Finding the Alluring Beauty of Factories through Art

January 6, sat, - 14, sun 10:00-19:00  *only 6, sat =13:00 open   14, sun =17:00 close

​Hacci ( Hachinohe Portal Museum)  , Free


The HKD’s exhibit - Hachinohe Factory Art “Fascinated with Factories” -has been driven by the goal to build an exhibit that expresses “the alluring beauty of factories through art,” and we are confident that it has achieved just that.

In recent years, group tours have cropped up around the country offering to take customers to view the other-worldly factory landscapes at night or cruises to view the dramatic buildings and lights of factories from above the water. This has led to factory sites becoming an increasingly attractive new source of tourism.  But what is causing this sudden interest in factories and their landscapes? In order to explore this inexplicable fascination that has been on the rise in the country the exhibit has brought together a series of different art pieces in different mediums, such as the paintings of Sacco, the paper-cuttings of Mikio Ohnishi, the three-dimensional models of Takuji Kikuchi, and the photographs of from the Photography Club of HKD, after which seen visitors to the exhibit will quickly understand the moving power and beauty that so many have found in factories. 


Hachinohe is a city that not only draws its industrial strength from its factories, but it also draws its industrial beauty from its factories. Join us as we explore the wonderful art that has been born from the magnificence of Hachinohe’s factories. 


​Sacco, Series of Factory Factory


Mikio Ohnishi, Series of Scenery on the other side


​Takuji Kikuchi, " Tower Plant 8"
three-dimensional models

​The Photography Club of HKD, " Our Perspective"

​Photo Gallery


八戸工場大学 2020   Hachinohe Kojyo Daigaku

主催:八戸市  企画・運営:八戸工場大学プロジェクト事務局

助成:令和2年度 文化庁 文化芸術創造拠点形成事業​






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